Hello. We’re The Wellbeing Crew!

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Welcome to our brand new blog. It’s not something we’ve ever done before, so we hope you’ll enjoy finding out a bit more about The Wellbeing Crew over the coming months. We’ll be sharing insights with you about what we do and how we help to bring calm – and fun – to our fabulous clients.

For those of you who don’t know us, we’re Sue and Charlotte. We formed The Wellbeing Crew in 2015, and it’s gone from strength to strength.

Between us, we have 30+ years of combined experience in the wellbeing arena. We offer bespoke wellbeing workshops within the education sector, and we can promise you that our workshops are never dull!

We have a genuine passion to help children, young people and those who support them, using our own range of bespoke holistic training programmes.

It’s a little-known fact that 1 in 6 children and young people have a diagnosable mental health disorder. What’s more, 76% of children aged 5 – 15 years suffer with depression.

Working with schools, our workshops can be built in to the PHSE curriculum.

As much as we’d love to do everything ourselves (we love what we do!), we have a fantastic team behind us who are all bursting with enthusiasm and specialise in their own areas of knowledge. We always take a holistic approach, whether it’s an emotional resilience workshop or a livelier activity such as circus skills.

Our activities range from mindfulness, chill skills, peer massage, and yoga for kids right through to African drumming and Bollywood dancing.  All of our workshops can be tailored to meet your needs, taking into account things like the number of students in a group, and environmental impacts that may be affecting children’s wellbeing and mental health.

We are proud to have a team of mental health psychiatric counsellors on hand for when extra support is required. We can provide confidential, non-judgemental counselling for children and adolescents, encouraging them to talk about their feelings in a safe environment.

Supporting students with mental health and wellbeing issues can take its toll. Our wellbeing training days can act as a release for staff, learning skills such as stress management, mindfulness, empowerment and team building. Our belly dancing classes are sure to raise a smile – and release all of that pent up stress.

In our next blog, we’ll bring you up to speed with some exiting events we’ve got planned – and we’d love you to play a part in them with us.

For now, this is Sue, Charlotte and the crew signing off.